The following is a column posted as a MySpace bulletin on July 3, 2008. My modern day commentary can be found after my italicized signature.
Roller Coasters
Roller Coasters, usually fun in there nature. Most standing very tall and traveling very fast, as was the Brendon-Kathryne roller coaster. Standing at a towering three times and traveling at three relationships per year, this is a roller coaster I want you to ride with me. Have a seat because this is a good one. Something to keep in mind trough out the ups and downs of this journey is this question, can't we compare all our favorite relationships to our favorite roller coasters?
Now she will tell you that we got started on the opening night of our school's drama club's production of The Children's Hour, I think it was on a bus to San Diego to see Two Trains Running (I later remembered what happened when we got to San Diego and now I believe that Kat is right). Nevertheless I do remember how and why we ended, all three times. From the first time I saw her, wether it was at The Children's Hour or the bus ride to Two Trains Running, I knew that I would go out with her. It started off with a "Damn, she's fine" to myself and ended the first time for good with a sarcastic "I love you Kat" across the hall and into Mr. Taylor's class where she stood wearing the '49ers jacket that she looked so cute in. That was the chain-lift and first drop of that roller coaster. But wait, here comes the hill and the second drop.
I think this time it was started by an "I fucked it up bad and I'm sorry, let's go back out" and ended with "I'll break it to you easy, I'm breaking up with you". Everything in the middle is of hill and drop 2 consists of lots of making out in the hall during Holden's class and the first time we discussed the topic of marriage. Of course it ended pretty quickly, not just the topic but the whole relationship. Hold on tight because the roller coaster is almost over, but we all know that at the end of the ride you get a picture. Picture this, the third relationship.
In a roller coaster, usually the end is the best part. That goes for this roller coaster too. Number three felt more like number one than number two did. It included all the perks of being with the one you love, without the title of "Boyfriend" or "Girlfriend". She would be the first person I thought about when I woke up, the last person I thought of before I went to sleep, and every single second in between.
Now you have a better understanding of why relationships are like roller coasters. They have their ups and downs, sure you may be scared to ride it in the beginning, and sure it may end too quickly sometimes but in the end when you look back on your adventure, it was all worth the wait and somehow, despite the reason you stopped riding it the first, second, or in my case third time, you always want to ride it again.
-Brendon Joshua
This one wasn’t terrible. I love this idea. Relationships are like roller coasters; chain lift, drops, the, “Picture this” line. Maybe I’ll use this roller coaster concept again in the future.
It’s still amateur in its approach, and incredibly short. There is something admirable about how I was able to give you all the information I had for you in less than one page. Let me be smug for a minute, I have always thought of myself as a good speller, so that I used the wrong ‘there’ and misspelled ‘whether’ is my only real beef with this column.
As my writing skill progressed, I thought it necessary to break from the Sex and the City writing structure and make my own mark. I used to title my columns with the first few words of that column, insert a comma, and begin telling my story. This one was called Roller Coasters, therefore the opening line was, “Roller coasters, usually…” A few columns later, I had the idea to title my articles with my closing line. I thought it would keep the reader interested and leave them wondering how I turned a column about getting drunk at a Halloween party into a moment in which I Was Forever Changed.